Architectural Review Board
ARB Members
Bobi Komer
TJ Mercer
AJ Dobson
For questions or concerns, please contact the ARB at:
All changes and/or modifications to landscaping requires approval from the ARB. All newly constructed must have landscaping completed within 90 days of receiving a certificate of occupancy from the Village of Frankfort. As with all Timbers Edge Rules, Regulation, and Covenants, violation of the above stated rules may result in fines. Your HOA does not take any pleasure in accessing fines for violations, but as our obligation to the residents of Timbers Edge, we will do so if necessary.
No improvement or structure of any kind including without limitation, any building, fence, wall, swimming pool, tennis court, screen enclosure, sewer, drain, disposal system, decorative building, deck gazebo, landscape device, object structure or other improvement shall be commenced, erected, placed or maintained upon any lot, nor shall any addition, change or alteration therein or thereof be made, unless and until the plans, specifications and location of the same shall have been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Architectural Review Board (ARB).
ARB Meetings
ARB Board meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month with the exception of Holiday weekends. Additionally, no meetings are held anytime between December 16th – January 15th of the following year.
Forms must be submitted to the Timbers Edge ARB via email timbersedgearb@gmail.com
In order to be reviewed by the ARB Committee, please fill out the application form along with the appropriate fee and supporting materials for proper review. Please make the ARB application fee payment at the Park Management and Realty Services portal or call their office to set up a payment (708) 532-6200
Park Management and Realty Services
8951 W. 151st Street Orland Park, IL 60462
Forms submitted without the proper supporting documentation and fees paid will not be reviewed.
Please email timbersedgearb@gmail.com notifying the ARB Board upon completion of the project. A final walk-through of the project will be performed by the ARB committee to properly closeout the project.